Monday, September 29, 2008

Concrete Curbing

Concrete Curbing is the process of creating curbs. Curbs is the edgy portion on the road where it meets the pavement or sidewalk. It is generally created to clearly demarcate the road and the pavement. It also helps in proper drainage if a provision is provided in the curb for water drainage.

Curbs are generally made up of concrete, asphalt,paver,cobblestone or stone slab.
They can be precasted or casted at the site location only using slip form casting machine.

The slip form concrete casting machine have a provision of concrete mixers as well as concrete laying equipment. The concrete is poured onto a small box enclosed within rails and then laid there for setting in. It is good method if lots of curbing has to be done.

Curbs can also be precasted ie they are manufactured and watered on factory site and transferred to the location. They are generally used where a fast method is required to create the curb.

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